Let us examine the complaints against Gitmo.....
- Torture chamber
- Unlawful
- Makes the Muslim nations hate us...
- Unconstitutional
- Harsh interrogation tactics have damaged America's standing in the world
My question is how are we suppose to react to these people? These people are representing a ideological, political religious view that demands they kill us. They were captured on a battlefield and are not representing any government body. So do we use conventional rules to deal with them when they skirt all the conventional rules to attack us?
These questions are insignificant when we look at what the politicians are proposing to do now because they want to close Gitmo to appease the world. They want to bring those maggots home to US soil.
Why is this significant? Because what they want to do... and they keep talking about... try them, convict them, & kill them! Do you get the significance of this? If you were them... and hated a nationality, or group of people, vowed to wipe them from the face of the earth... then they captured one our your family, close friends or group, and killed him... what would you do? I think their natural reaction will make their displeasure of Gitmo pale in comparison. Their reaction will make 911 seem like a trial run. Remember... we havn't killed any of them or sentenced them to death or life imprisonment yet. We are just holding them to protect our troops and interest in their part of the world and hoping to extract information that will help us with that mission.
This grandstanding will create more havoc than you or I can ever imagine.