Why, you ask? Because they were reporting disinformation as fact.
# 1 Hypocrisy Stock market falling because of China economy faltering. FACT - the whole worlds economy is faltering because they have to pay so much more for American goods & services. Their cost has jumped 20% in the last year. That my friend is a lot of inflation! The dollar has increased in value by that much against the average currency around the globe. Not saying a strong dollar is bad... it is just that there are things that happen that sometimes hurts in unexpected ways to the average person not understanding economics on a global scale. Oh, it sounds good... and puts the blame on someone else, but hardly the real reason for the fall... not saying the dollar increase is all the reason... I believe there are more reasons we don't know about but will become evident later.
# 2 Hypocricy Leftist want to control gun violence... by making it harder for the average citizen to obtain guns, and California wants to make all education centers GUN FREE. FACT - It isn't about saving lives or stopping violence. It is about finding out who has guns and what they have. A registry. No, they just want to make sure you are safe enough to purchase. Think about this. If I remember right, all the guns used in the major mass killings in the last 2 - 5 years were guns purchased legally. So how is one more process going to stop anything? Sooner or later they will know what you have and then they will come for them. That is just the way it works. It is about doing something that sounds good right now.
#3 Hypocricy California wants to ban chewing tobacco in the major stadiums. For what reason? I didn't wait around for the reason... I can't imagine what it would be. Health? Don't think so... FACT - this is the crowd that wants to legalize marijuana, but wants to limit you usage of chew & cigarettes. It isn't really about what is good for anyone, it is about doing something that sounds good. These are the people who said 10 years ago we would be a waste land and burning up by now.
#3 Hypocricy California wants to ban chewing tobacco in the major stadiums. For what reason? I didn't wait around for the reason... I can't imagine what it would be. Health? Don't think so... FACT - this is the crowd that wants to legalize marijuana, but wants to limit you usage of chew & cigarettes. It isn't really about what is good for anyone, it is about doing something that sounds good. These are the people who said 10 years ago we would be a waste land and burning up by now.