What is it with the media trying to make an issue out of contraception?
Since when does any republican, liberal or conservative, want to limit availability of contraception?
They don't!
No republican has ever and has no reason to want to.... for it to be said by anyone otherwise is so false and disgustingly misleading, and truly an outright lie. But to the administrations credit they so far have not actually said those words... they just want to put the perception out there. Like in health care they talked in a way that led those not keeping up with the debate, who only listened to the major news networks who didn't tell all the story... just the sound bites they wanted to spin with, thought it was a freebie. So they voted him into office.
So now they have come up with this contraception issue... where did this come from. Dick Morris hit the nail on the head saying they were re-framing the issue from abortion to contraception. Forcing everyone to provide it via health care is just another way of making sure the abortions are covered. You may not want your dollars going to a company providing those services but that doesn't matter. You must do it any way... My blood pressure is mounting and I can't speak anymore just thinking about how this administration is taking our freedom away.
Framing the issue to make the conservatives look like we are not wanting to provide services because we don't want to be forced to pay for them, makes people think we are the ones supporting the DEATH PANELS. In reality it is the leftest liberals who are wanting to add a new layer of bureaucracy to the health care industry and to make sure you are #1 paying your fair share and #2 worth spending money on to begin with.
Take for instance the issue with school lunches. Not only are schools mandated that their lunches contain certain amounts of specific food groups, you as a parent also must provide that quality or you will be charged for it. The USDA will send an agent to inspect your lunch bag and determine if it meets the standard... don't believe that? Here is an article where it is already happening. School Lunch Bags
So why does this matter? I think about people who have talked about being afraid of... purchasing using loyalty programs because the government may soon require retailers give up your purchases to track if you are eating properly.... then if they deem you not sufficiently responsible for your health... they can deny you health care based on that, even though you have been paying into it... and then fine you and maybe even stick you in jail if you don't pay. They say if all companies sales are online... your charge cards can be tracked... invoices followed, and total life style judged reprehensible. Just think of the savings there will be... lots of people who are not draining the system of dollars because they are deemed unqualified & will soon die. Does this sound like taking away your health care choices... no... they are providing it... charging for it... just not handing it out because your not worthy. Who is wanting to do this... THE DEMOCRATS... NOT REPUBLICANS. Think not? Does Death Panels sound like compassion to you?
What is the so called "Wall Street movement" all about? It is laying the groundwork for a rebellious uprising against the capitalist system. What are they offering? In the scruffy multi-millionaire Michael Moore's words... "there isn't anything... we will have to invent it." It is already there... they just know they can't use the word yet... SOCIALISM. It isn't about corporate greed at all. It is about nationalizing every company because the government is more capable of providing compassionate service and products at a reasonable price.
Want to read more... I have an article coming up about spreading the wealth around... econ 101... stay tuned.
A more compassionate understanding President than the one on Pennsylvania Avenue.
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