September 13, 2012

Thank You Mitt Romney

Just a simple thank you for being there to stand up for America like our President won't.

For those who don't know what is going on.... the Libya consulate was attached and our Ambassador was killed. Being that the information was being made public via the news media.... our empty shirt and empty chair was absent..... so Mitt put forth a statement about how we do not stand for this kind of thing in this country because one of our founding principles free speech and freedom of religion

This event was reported by the media as a protest over a movie with some disparaging words about a Muslim and the radical nature of some factions within that religion.  Since it all started on 9-11, it is easy to see that the media is using some little insignificant piece of video footage to bring spotlight off of the lack of this current administration to protect and project a iron fist of power.

The first thing that happened as reported by the media... an apology was given to those who were supposedly upset.  It is about time we get someone in the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. who knows how to stand up for our ideals and quit apologizing for our greatness.

To those in the media who are attacking Mitt for making a statement when he did.... how is it that you can report so much and then attack someone for standing up for America using the info you are reporting.... you are reporting it as fact... is it or not?  Maybe you should keep your own mouth shut until the facts are known and the correct statements can be made.... oh.... that is right... they might me different than what you want to report then.  TOO BAD.

Thank you Mitt....

The Prez.

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