Do you know how to tell when a democrat is lying? Their lips are moving... we they continue to move and it continues to spill forth at an unbelievability high volume.
Just remember.... whatever they accuse others of doing... they are actually doing themselves... just trying to cover it up.
Never underestimate the audacity of stupidity.
Writings about what is on my mind.... reading, listening to the news gets me fired up. This is my release. Some are parities on the other president.... on Penn. Ave.
September 24, 2013
September 2, 2013
New Post --- Middle East --- OweBomb's pause button
Are you a little puzzled by the presidents last actions?
You shouldn't be. He is just taking the easy way out of being wrong. Willing to blame it on someone else.... and John McCain is going to go in and grab the whole load and lift it off and drag it down to the Republicans camp so OweBomb can be right in the end. What a shark.
After making a speech about what he wants to the man heads out to the golf course. It isn't about working.... it is about the image. Wanting to be seen as in control, he makes the speech... but then reverting to himself... he goes out to play.
Would MLK treat his job like this?
What kind of man would work like this?
What kind of man would hold himself up as an Abe Lincoln and MLK.
What kind of man would have to search for what he is?
What kind of man would take a week to formulate a response to a chemical weapon attack?
There really isn't much truth in the governments message these days. The above picture used by John Kerry as what happened in Syria.The photo was actually taken in 2003 in Iraq. Just think about that. One little picture. One little lie. No, one lie after another lie. There is no truthfulness in the government!
There is no leadership in the White House... but think about the fact the man who is suppose to be the leader has spent over $900,000 covering his past. What kind of a man would do that? Someone telling a LIE.
March 28, 2013
Guns & Killing machines
I am thankful that we can get that out of the way... now, I want to know how they do it so we can put a stop to it.
I have yet to see one get up and walk out of the house. So how are they killing people?
All these gun regulation proposals are like saying that the trigger finger pulls the trigger... so cut it off.... left handers loose a left finger and right handers loose a right finger.... and you only need to loose it if you own a gun. Oh, the fingers are controlled by a person... ok... well maybe we could stop them some how... after all we have narrowed it down to the fingers, not the guns.
So... we have established that it isn't the guns that are killing the people.... but a human being using a gun... Who in their right mind would pick up a gun before leaving the house to go out and kill another human being. Who would take the life of a human being? Why would a human being take the life of another human being?
Is someone who premeditates picking up a gun with the intent to destroy the life of another human being really human? Someone who premeditates using a gun to take the life of multiple victims really human? They look like humans, they act like humans.... are they human? Maybe we need to decide if these people have lost something that is vital to society? Identity with the human race! They have become like animals, willing to destroy life. At least in the animal kingdom they prey on the weak of another type of animals not their own.
The garbage from the informed delusional discriminators of disinformation have created all kinds of poll numbers showing a majority who think we need stricter gun laws to keep these killings from happening. We know from experience that the numbers are wrong. Not only are they wrong, they are so wrong it isn't even possible they could be true. I have done some questioning of a cross section of the US over the last couple of days, (eastern half of US). About 55% of the questioned were females answering 50/50 for stricter gun laws.... but among the males, it was 95% against any changes of the gun laws or any increased registration of purchases or ownership.
Can it be that the whole issue is just a made up bunch of facts that mean nothing except what the publishers want to attach to the issue.... and it is more agenda driven than real facts and understanding of reality.
It really gets down to this.... it is an issue unwinnable at the ballot box, so the stacked judicial system has been given the task of creating laws based on agenda driven interest, not the will of the people. What do you think? Gun confiscation, or arm the citizen?
the Prez....
gun control,
gun regulation,
legal guns,
magazine size,
March 22, 2013
Political Insanity
It is amazing to me that the OWEBOMB actually thinks he can hurt us into despising the republican conservatives by creating a hardship on the American public and blaming it on them.
First.... I will not forget the fact that he is the one that proposed the sequester to begin with and now that he opposes it shows how two faced and insincere he is in actually helping the economy. Please remember this every time you pick up the paper or read a headline about the cutting of air traffic controllers, food inspectors, TSA workers, FBI agents, judicial system security.... and remember ICE read the memo wrong and let them all go a couple of weeks ahead of time. Not because they were out of money... they were 20% below their spending limits, but because they wanted to create chaos in the country. Shows the incompetence and agenda of the administration and officials manning the helm right now.
They are telling us that our safety is less important than destroying our children's future. They think their method of investing in our future is far superior than we have had for the last 240 years. Remember we built the most prosperous country on the face of the planet and there are millions every year sneaking across our boarders because of the freedom and prosperity of this country. Never forget that we fought back the advance of the most repressive form of government and defeated it by that same prosperity. One may say that the government did it... not the prosperity.... but remember the government uses your money to do anything it does. Without your money, it is nothing. Without prosperity they are nothing. Do you care that your government is spending your children's prosperity? How much will they owe the creditors when they are BORN..... not when they get a job... when they are BORN.
Are you willing to let the best health care system in the world be destroyed by the new rules and regulations? Remember, it is not suppose to cost us one dime more than before.... but the government accounting office says it will cost us an extra 1Trillion a year... that means doubling the current yearly deficit. After passing a bill which was only a shell bill 2,700 pages long, they have came up with 20,000 more pages of rules and regulations, taxes, fees and penalties, and they are not done.
This is worse than the tax law. It is all about getting money out of your pocket for themselves. If you doubt me... just remember there are 7 counties surrounding DC and they are the wealthiest counties in the country. The are siphoning money from your pocket to themselves, their friends and families.
Why am I being so cynical about all this? Well... I just had a reduction in pay of 2%, which is less than the sequester is cutting out of the increased spending. They will spend more this year than last, even after the sequester. Yet they are making it out to be such a hardship. But they slapped me with a reduction in pay without a thought and I had to adjust. Why is it suppose to be so easy for us yet so impossible for them?
It really is impossible for them to think about such because they have no real job, or understanding of what real world responsibility is. I say kick them all out of town and bring back to town someone that understands reality and understands how to even put together a budget which this little kid and his clowns have yet to assemble... one of the most basic functions of the job, and they have never done it. NOT ONCE.
the President
First.... I will not forget the fact that he is the one that proposed the sequester to begin with and now that he opposes it shows how two faced and insincere he is in actually helping the economy. Please remember this every time you pick up the paper or read a headline about the cutting of air traffic controllers, food inspectors, TSA workers, FBI agents, judicial system security.... and remember ICE read the memo wrong and let them all go a couple of weeks ahead of time. Not because they were out of money... they were 20% below their spending limits, but because they wanted to create chaos in the country. Shows the incompetence and agenda of the administration and officials manning the helm right now.
They are telling us that our safety is less important than destroying our children's future. They think their method of investing in our future is far superior than we have had for the last 240 years. Remember we built the most prosperous country on the face of the planet and there are millions every year sneaking across our boarders because of the freedom and prosperity of this country. Never forget that we fought back the advance of the most repressive form of government and defeated it by that same prosperity. One may say that the government did it... not the prosperity.... but remember the government uses your money to do anything it does. Without your money, it is nothing. Without prosperity they are nothing. Do you care that your government is spending your children's prosperity? How much will they owe the creditors when they are BORN..... not when they get a job... when they are BORN.
Are you willing to let the best health care system in the world be destroyed by the new rules and regulations? Remember, it is not suppose to cost us one dime more than before.... but the government accounting office says it will cost us an extra 1Trillion a year... that means doubling the current yearly deficit. After passing a bill which was only a shell bill 2,700 pages long, they have came up with 20,000 more pages of rules and regulations, taxes, fees and penalties, and they are not done.
This is worse than the tax law. It is all about getting money out of your pocket for themselves. If you doubt me... just remember there are 7 counties surrounding DC and they are the wealthiest counties in the country. The are siphoning money from your pocket to themselves, their friends and families.
Why am I being so cynical about all this? Well... I just had a reduction in pay of 2%, which is less than the sequester is cutting out of the increased spending. They will spend more this year than last, even after the sequester. Yet they are making it out to be such a hardship. But they slapped me with a reduction in pay without a thought and I had to adjust. Why is it suppose to be so easy for us yet so impossible for them?
It really is impossible for them to think about such because they have no real job, or understanding of what real world responsibility is. I say kick them all out of town and bring back to town someone that understands reality and understands how to even put together a budget which this little kid and his clowns have yet to assemble... one of the most basic functions of the job, and they have never done it. NOT ONCE.
the President
March 2, 2013
Charity – Divine Love
We can give all we have to feed the poor, and give our body as a sacrifice to be burned, but if charity is not motivating the action, it will profit us nothing. Charity suffereth long, is kind, envieth not, vaunteth not it’s self, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not it’s own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth. Charity beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but where there are prophecies, they shall fail; where there are tongues, they shall cease; where there is knowledge, it shall vanish. Even if a person had the gift of prophecy, understood all mysteries, had all knowledge and had all faith that one could remove mountains but lack charity… that person’s actions would be nothing before God.
Now if faith, hope charity abide with thee… the greatest of these is charity.
So, what is charity? How does it affect us… what is it’s effect? Our words of love could be as words of angels… but if they contain not charity, they are just an instrument of sound. Our words can be words used in a correct way and sound beautiful, but still have no depth and carry no weight with others because they know there will be no action to back it up.
Charity is the love that helps us look above and beyond the faults and failures of others. A love for their soul. A love for the person as they are in their imperfection and unpolished self which is part of something so much greater than anything this earth and it’s humanness can achieve. It is easy for our humanness to sway us and affect the way our emotions react to another, but it is charity that will temper, settle, clarify and open our eyes to the goodness and potential of the person causing the reaction.
Charity can cause us to be perceived as a very loveable person, admired and looked up to. Often we are approached by others reacting to us in a way that creates a primal, sensual emotion within. But charity will not let us become puffed up in that, will not let us behave unseemly in reaction to that. The effect of charity will be humility.
Humility before God and man is the effect of unreservedly devoting ourselves to God. Our profession of devotion through the traditional ritual of baptism, is a symbolic act of burying our old natural, sensual human nature and taking on this new devotion and way of life. The old and new natures will not live within in harmony, but will constantly remind us of our weakness and fallibility.
Spiritual love like natural love can not be hidden. It will drive us and lead us to indulge ourselves, look upon the object or action of our affection. Our love will take us through experiences and help us endure when nothing else will. Our love will drive us, enable us, to go further than our belief in something contrary to our love. If we love what we believe to be true… then we will be living in harmony with our love, belief and our heart will lead us into a deeper understanding of what it is we love..
In 1 Peter 1:16, Be ye holy for I am holy. This passage is in reference to Lev. 20:7, Sanctify yourselves therefore and be holy for I am the Lord your God. Keep my statutes and do them. I am the lord which sanctify you. Sanctification is the separation of our natural humanness from our actions and motives driven by our love. Therefore, our life will show forth more of the authentic nature and holiness of our Lord and Savior. The result of that will be the fruit of the Spirit springing forth in abundance as we go out into the world and mingle with people. The abundance of fruit, our actions, will be evidence to others of the Holy Spirit dwelling within.
Prov. 10:12 Hatred stirreth up strife: but love covereth all sin.
A favorite saying that may explain a little about charity in our life and the love that motivates us. “We glorify God in our body by our actions: We glorify God in our spirit by our reactions.” What are our reactions to others. Is it kindness, is it loving? This is one place where humanness comes through the most. Reactions to some of the things people do is the hardest test of love for God. May the Divine Love of God guide in these reactions.
Now if faith, hope charity abide with thee… the greatest of these is charity.
So, what is charity? How does it affect us… what is it’s effect? Our words of love could be as words of angels… but if they contain not charity, they are just an instrument of sound. Our words can be words used in a correct way and sound beautiful, but still have no depth and carry no weight with others because they know there will be no action to back it up.
Charity is the love that helps us look above and beyond the faults and failures of others. A love for their soul. A love for the person as they are in their imperfection and unpolished self which is part of something so much greater than anything this earth and it’s humanness can achieve. It is easy for our humanness to sway us and affect the way our emotions react to another, but it is charity that will temper, settle, clarify and open our eyes to the goodness and potential of the person causing the reaction.
Charity can cause us to be perceived as a very loveable person, admired and looked up to. Often we are approached by others reacting to us in a way that creates a primal, sensual emotion within. But charity will not let us become puffed up in that, will not let us behave unseemly in reaction to that. The effect of charity will be humility.
Humility before God and man is the effect of unreservedly devoting ourselves to God. Our profession of devotion through the traditional ritual of baptism, is a symbolic act of burying our old natural, sensual human nature and taking on this new devotion and way of life. The old and new natures will not live within in harmony, but will constantly remind us of our weakness and fallibility.
Spiritual love like natural love can not be hidden. It will drive us and lead us to indulge ourselves, look upon the object or action of our affection. Our love will take us through experiences and help us endure when nothing else will. Our love will drive us, enable us, to go further than our belief in something contrary to our love. If we love what we believe to be true… then we will be living in harmony with our love, belief and our heart will lead us into a deeper understanding of what it is we love..
In 1 Peter 1:16, Be ye holy for I am holy. This passage is in reference to Lev. 20:7, Sanctify yourselves therefore and be holy for I am the Lord your God. Keep my statutes and do them. I am the lord which sanctify you. Sanctification is the separation of our natural humanness from our actions and motives driven by our love. Therefore, our life will show forth more of the authentic nature and holiness of our Lord and Savior. The result of that will be the fruit of the Spirit springing forth in abundance as we go out into the world and mingle with people. The abundance of fruit, our actions, will be evidence to others of the Holy Spirit dwelling within.
Prov. 10:12 Hatred stirreth up strife: but love covereth all sin.
A favorite saying that may explain a little about charity in our life and the love that motivates us. “We glorify God in our body by our actions: We glorify God in our spirit by our reactions.” What are our reactions to others. Is it kindness, is it loving? This is one place where humanness comes through the most. Reactions to some of the things people do is the hardest test of love for God. May the Divine Love of God guide in these reactions.
Divine Love,
human nature,
February 18, 2013
SOTUA - 2013 Illusions & Delusions...
The greatest nation on Earth cannot keep conducting its
business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next.
These words came from his own mouth! Can you imagine? He actually admitted that they were purely manufactured crisis's. How much better can it get?
I went through the speech and highlighted all the statements that I could find that were total fabrications, or delusional at best. You know, I had more highlights than non. I decided that this one is just not worth the time to dissect and give rebuttal each individual point. The whole speech was a campaign stump speech designed to buttress the opportunities of the leftist and his supporters in the 2014 election.
So, just a comment....
See, we didn't solve anything with the bail-out and stimulus packages. Because of the lack of oversight, no one knows where it went. We just sucked a couple of TRILLION out of the Federal Treasury printing press, not real dollars, but printed dollars non the less... and handed them to the support structure of an agenda. Nothing to do with what the people want... but what the powerful and influential people want. Dollars are then going to be repaid out the the efforts of the middle class and poor who struggle along with fewer services, fewer protections and fewer benefits. A reality we see in most third world countries.
An interesting study done on things that affect the stability and the durability of our economy. If we keep printing money, the gas price will continue to climb.... and the wages will continue to fall and GDP will continue to contract.
February 5, 2013
Bullying Audacity and Leap of Logic
Ok... Mr. OWEBOMB.... I find your inaugural speech a bit troubling and the more I read it, the more troubling it becomes. In fact it is downright maddening and disgusting. So off to the general public, because I know you wouldn't understand a single explanation of your duplicity.
In a previous post... I showed you how OWEBOMB makes word combinations do something they can not; make contrasting comparisons. That article came first because as he closed his speech out.... they kept ringing in my ear.... and the question was: What was that suppose to mean? I had to dig out the transcript and find what he was saying. NOTHING. Now that I have had some time to simmer down.... I was moved to go back and start from the beginning and see what other misrepresentations made that are pure fiction or at least a leap of logic beyond fathomability.
When we started hearing BO speak on his first election campaign, we heard his campaign headquarters, the driveby media gushing all over him saying how smart he was. I would listen and think... so what, we already know that.... that is nothing new. But these people must not have known it or they wouldn't think it was so awesome that he was so knowledgeable.
When you read his words, you can always pick the start of these leap of logic setups by finding words designed to gain your acceptance, words of truth. Then he goes on to set up a leap..... for example, he says; "Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character."
How can you not agree with that?
But then he says this, "when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can no more meet the demands of today’s world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias. No single person can train all the math and science teachers we’ll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores."
What kind of statement is that? Who in this nation would ever believe it? But, because you just agreed with his previous statement, you are led to believe you are agreeing with this statement.
Then he resets the stage.... he says, "This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun.
Then after a little class warfare and bigotry, he says this, "We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time. So we must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, reach higher. But while the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American. That is what this moment requires. That is what will give real meaning to our creed."
Did you catch that? "A nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American"? What is that suppose to mean?... This nation is you and I. You and I are going to as a nation, reward not the accomplishment or success.... but the effort and determination.
Those final words.... "That is what will give real meaning to our creed." Folks, this is what really scares me.... the remaking of America into his bigoted ideals. We have a system that works just fine. To trash a system that build the greatest nation on the face of this earth, and remake it into something that has never proved successful just because you believe you are better than anyone else who has tried it before, and you can do it doesn't mean it will work. It isn't about providing opportunity, it is about bringing equality. Not a GOD given equality such as we are born with.... but a state sponsored equality.
The rest of this speech is filled with distortions and downright lies. Since when is it not incumbent upon each of us to reach out and seize the opportunities we have before us. Is it not our right to do that? If it is our right, it then is also our responsibility act upon it. If we do not... it is not the states responsibility nor anyone elses to provide it for us. The veiled assertion that someone wants to take away the social programs for the disabled and the elderly is preposterous. And how does Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security have anything to do with freeing us to take risk that makes this country great? Pure pablum ...
It is the duty of you Mr. President, to build upon the foundation laid by our founders, to provide safety to the citizens of this country, to protect our borders, not to tell us how to live, what we believe, eat, wear, drive, where to live and work. Get off your bigoted high horse and let us create what you will never be able to.... a thriving economy and a freedom loving nation who knows how to stand up for liberty and justice for all.
January 24, 2013
Post Intellectual Discourse
How is it that we can turn the reasoning for our laws over to the children?
As the OWE BOMB gathered the children letter writers scared about the new threats in society around, and put forth his initiative to do all these "new" things, we are once again reminded how vacant this last term was in meaningful, reasoned and functional leadership.
So, I went back to his Inaugural speech and read the words to see if I could find what I missed in the speech. In the transcript, it was even more evident that it wasn't there. REAL CONTENT. Meaningful direction and leadership instead of platitudes and generalities. It isn't going to happen with this guy.
For example; He said, "That is our generation’s task – to make these words, these rights, these values – of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life; it does not mean we will all define liberty in exactly the same way, or follow the same precise path to happiness. Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time – but it does require us to act in our time".
The words,"Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates...... but it does require us to act in our time." No leadership in how to act.... but a call to action. Doesn't matter what the action is.... just do something. Hence these words, "For now decisions are upon us, and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that today’s victories will be only partial, and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years, and forty years, and four hundred years hence to advance the timeless spirit."
Wow.... what a bunch of nothingness. Can one say more without saying anything? I have heard this thing compared to The Gettysburg Address.... and other things... but there is no comparison. Those people had direction and gave specifics as how to move and why. Greatness doesn't come from words, it comes from inside and gives power to the words spoken. These words are vacant and it sounds like he is afraid of actually saying anything.
Absolutism for Principle? A principle is something that is.... it can not be ignored or you ignore at your own peril. It will not change from day to day or from circumstance to circumstance. Principles are Absolute. They by definition are that way. Substituting spectacle for politics, and treating name-calling as reasoned debate? You have got to be kidding! This from the mouth of the greatest drama master and bullying name calling king.
Listen Mr. President..... You can say things, it doesn't make them true, you can call us names, that doesn't make us what you call us.... you can define yourself any way you want... but that doesn't make you what you say you are. You may come from a privileged background trying to make yourself out as a poorboy made it big, but you are still a nose stuck in the air social elitist if all you can do is spout words and spend money like a drunken sailor. The only thing you have managed to do so far is destroy the people you SAY you are helping.... the problem is they still believe you and don't how bad you have hurt them.
That is enough for one day... just listen to this guy... he doesn't know how to talk... he just reads a teleprompter and everyone mistakes that for wisdom.
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