It is amazing to me that the OWEBOMB actually thinks he can hurt us into despising the republican conservatives by creating a hardship on the American public and blaming it on them.
First.... I will not forget the fact that he is the one that proposed the sequester to begin with and now that he opposes it shows how two faced and insincere he is in actually helping the economy. Please remember this every time you pick up the paper or read a headline about the cutting of air traffic controllers, food inspectors, TSA workers, FBI agents, judicial system security.... and remember ICE read the memo wrong and let them all go a couple of weeks ahead of time. Not because they were out of money... they were 20% below their spending limits, but because they wanted to create chaos in the country. Shows the incompetence and agenda of the administration and officials manning the helm right now.
They are telling us that our safety is less important than destroying our children's future. They think their method of investing in our future is far superior than we have had for the last 240 years. Remember we built the most prosperous country on the face of the planet and there are millions every year sneaking across our boarders because of the freedom and prosperity of this country. Never forget that we fought back the advance of the most repressive form of government and defeated it by that same prosperity. One may say that the government did it... not the prosperity.... but remember the government uses your money to do anything it does. Without your money, it is nothing. Without prosperity they are nothing. Do you care that your government is spending your children's prosperity? How much will they owe the creditors when they are BORN..... not when they get a job... when they are BORN.
Are you willing to let the best health care system in the world be destroyed by the new rules and regulations? Remember, it is not suppose to cost us one dime more than before.... but the government accounting office says it will cost us an extra 1Trillion a year... that means doubling the current yearly deficit. After passing a bill which was only a shell bill 2,700 pages long, they have came up with 20,000 more pages of rules and regulations, taxes, fees and penalties, and they are not done.
This is worse than the tax law. It is all about getting money out of your pocket for themselves. If you doubt me... just remember there are 7 counties surrounding DC and they are the wealthiest counties in the country. The are siphoning money from your pocket to themselves, their friends and families.
Why am I being so cynical about all this? Well... I just had a reduction in pay of 2%, which is less than the sequester is cutting out of the increased spending. They will spend more this year than last, even after the sequester. Yet they are making it out to be such a hardship. But they slapped me with a reduction in pay without a thought and I had to adjust. Why is it suppose to be so easy for us yet so impossible for them?
It really is impossible for them to think about such because they have no real job, or understanding of what real world responsibility is. I say kick them all out of town and bring back to town someone that understands reality and understands how to even put together a budget which this little kid and his clowns have yet to assemble... one of the most basic functions of the job, and they have never done it. NOT ONCE.
the President
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