December 4, 2020

Capitalism vs Socialism

Capitalism: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive free market system. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by the owner of wealth and property or production, whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets.

Capitalism is under attack.  Why?  

Because people are indoctrinated in stupidism and can't see  the beauty and simplicity of the system if it hit them between the eyes like a two by four.

The envy of money is probably the most insidious evil of all on the earth.  The stupidism of the left is that capitalisms is all about the money.  People amassing huge piles of cash and that means there are large numbers of unhappy people who can't have wealth because others have wealth.  That is a psychology of  scarcity: and is the stupidism of the Leftist.

In no way does someone having dollars limit another from having dollars.  It isn't a limited supply of dollars.  I can not in any way think of a way for a wealthy person to limit another person from having wealth.  It just can't happen.  If you want, have the desire to work for, and have the ability to work, you can achieve anything you can dream of.  For a person to amass large amounts of wealth which is associated with the evil of capitalism, they have to have people helping them. That means in the process, they are helping, supporting, encouraging and paying people large sums of money which is a distribution of a portion of that wealth to others.  The anger toward capitalism is that they keep others from having, by hording it for themselves.  That is the furthest thing from the truth. You can not have but by the giving to others.

Capitalism is best illustrated by the power of multiplication.  If you are working for someone, or doing a private contract job alone, you are receiving a certain amount of dollars for your labor.  If you are employing 10 or 20 people, you are multiplying your earnings by at least 3, 4, or 5 times your own personal earning power. That means you are distributing your profits to other people.  Yes, they are helping you, but you are paying them for their labor. The beauty of Capitalism is that the workers are free to work for the person who is willing to pay them the highest amount of money for their efforts. That is the essence of capitalism.  


Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the government as a whole. supporting policies or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism. A transitional social state between capitalism and the realization of Communism.  

synonyms: leftism, consumer socialism, utopianism, welfarism, communism, radicalism, militant progressivism, social democracy, marxism-leninism, neo-marxism 

The sadness of socialism is that there are no leaders.  Who wants to step up and work harder than another if your efforts are not rewarded by an increase in wealth.  If your efforts are diluted by the taking of your earnings to give to others, there is no incentive to increase.  Equality of economic status and equality of health care are two of the most insidious lies of the socialist ideology.  Equality of any kind has never worked. In any form of government ideology. There is no desire to stoop to the lowest common denominator.  There is no such thing as a popular or progressive socialists society.  Happiness is an oxymoron to socialism. They are poor and depressed people.

April 22, 2020

When is it News?

And the news rolls on.  Fake News?  

Well it isn't news so how can it be fake news if it isn't news?

News:  newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events broadcast, published or told privately.

I can remember back to the Clinton era reading news articles wondering where this came from.... then 6 months later an hysteria starts up and before you know it... congress is taking up some bill to protect the victims of this crazy news article that have been singled out as some victim class to create a whole narrative and list of government agencies to protect and supply support and economic incentive for more people to join this victim class.

What is going to happen from here?  Thinking they will continue to double down and instead of twisting the current events of the day... they will do more to create the current events to create a narrative to do things they would never be able to do when we were actually aware of what they were doing.

Creating diversions to hide the real happenings of the political system is becoming standard practice. 

When are we going to wise up and demand TRANSPARENCY?  Not years later...  but TODAY!  Hiding the inner workings of the government from the public has to be destroyed.