December 4, 2012

Going over the cliff!

Go ahead!  Go on over.   It will be a rough ride down.... think we will survive?

So what is the real picture?  We are told that this situation couldn't get any worse.... but I think it can get seriously worse and we still won't be over the cliff.  The problem is it is being made into a serious fundamental problem of eppic proportions and the fix is something that is going to be worse than the problem.  Do you think anyone in this administration really understands and cares?  I don't see any evidence of it.... taking off to Hawaii again.... on a 4 plus million holiday vacation.  How is that serious in the middle of a serious problem.  An empty White House reminds me of the empty chair.

Don't fall for it... the solution is worse than the problem.  Do we have a problem?  OF COURSE we do... but it is not because someone isn't paying enough.  We are all paying more than we should have to.  But the politician's in Washington want you to believe we need to spend more.  Folks, the government is spending more to take care of this country than this country can produce in product to pay for the government we are receiving.  Doesn't that sound like a problem?  A simple problem in reality... we are receiving too much GOVERNMENT! 

Someone needs to be man enough or woman enough to stand up and shout it from the roof tops.  How about an adult?  Can someone just say it... we need to stop the bleeding, shut it down. How about this revelation, before we turn the light switch on in the first office tomorrow, the government has run out of money for the day.  The contract obligations, social security, medicare, interest on debt, are greater than we can afford.  That is before we get started with one employee.

OWE BOMB wants to increase taxes, but not cut spending till some unspecified time in the future.  This sounds exactly like what they did to Reagan.  Give us these increases here and we will give you these cuts over here... but oh they forgot to tell him they were for 1, 2, 5 years down the road and plenty of time for them to be x'd out of the budget and forgotten.... but who cares... they got the increases they wanted. So with the tax cuts he got through, the economy exploded and expanded to increase the flow of money to the treasury by almost twice.... while the congress controlled by the demorats, increased spending by three times as much.

So.... where do we start the cutting?  How about just stopping the increasing.  Every year the government is suppose to grow it's spending by x number of dollars.  WHY?  Everyone else has to get by on less money.  Why can't the government? In Washington, a cut is spending less than the increase allowed.  If we spent 100 dollars this year and next year we are suppose to spend 110, and someone says we should only spend 100, we are cutting the spending by 10%.  Only in Washington is that considered a cut.... only by a politician would a steady budget be considered a cut.... because that would mean he doesn't get his pay increase.

Freeze the government!  Stop the bleeding, stop the nonsense, send them home for the next 9 months and leave us alone so we can recover from the current decimation of our society.  We can't take it any more... so just leave us alone.

November 29, 2012

Fundamental Transformation Coming

Do you know how to tell when a democrat is lying?   Their lips are moving... and they continue to move spilling forth unbelievable stupidity.

A "secret" plan has been put forth to solve the fiscal cliff problem... Secret?  Why would a plan to avert a serious financial crises need to to be kept a secret?  Oh... because it would be understood if it was debated and no one would like it and no one in their right mind would vote for it.

When an issue it put out for the debate in the public realm, the public sides with the conservative ideals. The Affordable Care Act would have never seen the light of day and gone down just like Hillary Care went down if they had put the contents out to be debated by the public.  Remember those Palosi words?  "We have to vote on it so you can see it."  THAT is NOT how this GOVERNMENT works.  The only reason some still want it is because they don't understand how much it is going to cost them.  It will, and already has cost hundreds of jobs. It will cost thousands of dollars and more jobs as doctors cut back, insurance companies drop plans as companies drop their coverage, and we start seeing the actual cost increases, and lack of available doctors and care in more and more locations around the country. 

Did you know the government is currently as of this writing not running on a budget? Do you understand why that is?  Well, I could make up thousands of reasons that may or may not be true.... but the fact is that Owe Bomb is just that... a BOMB blowing up our financial system and making a mockery of our legislative bodies and constitution.  Without a budget his administration doesn't have to account for the money according to the bills passed authorizing spending.  See, they can just continue to pass resolutions extending the previous spending authorizations... which includes the financial bail out and the stimulus package money.  That is how he has been able to almost double the debt in a short 4 years.  Those authorizations were a one time authorization... but they have continued to use that authorization to expand the government and guarantee their place in history as the greatest spenders in history.

I heard  a good one today... they need to go weld some tears on poor lady liberty.  She would truly be crying at the way our country has been turned upside down.  Someone said.... "well I don't see anything going on that is so bad... and I am not having anymore problems than I was having before OWE BOMB got in..."  Well that is because the "eyedeoots" are smart enough to know they couldn't win an election with the economy trashed so they set everything to start in 2013 so they would be in the position as a lame duck administration to do anything they want to do.

So, get ready to see the greatest transformation ever to take place as promised in his first campaign.  It will be like the golden goose getting slain and when the money stops coming in, the Republicans will be blamed for it because according to the Rats the wealthy are all Republicans getting fat on the backs of the poor.  The reality is, the wealthy are the ones that build wealth and create jobs for the poor to work in and build a better future for themselves and their families.  That is what capitalism is.  It is the oldest way of spreading wealth.  Create a vehicle that creates wealth, then hire someone to help with the expansion and process of getting product to market place.  In truth... capitalism is helping more people than the government is.  More people are moving into the middle and upper class because of their jobs than the welfare system.  Want to stay poor and live in rundown drug infested neighborhoods and have to cross your fingers and hope you make it to work alive in one piece... support your local DEM-O-RAT... Want to step up in life and create a different reality... find a wealthy man running a company and help him expand his company in any way possible and more than you can imagine will come your way.

Dump a huge tax burden on those creating the jobs, wealth, and watch them move out of the market and hide themselves protecting their wealth and depriving others of the ability to expand theirs.  It truly is their right.. and I don't blame them one bit. 

Eat your heart out OWE BOMB and watch your goose die before your eyes.

Good luck everyone... hope this isn't the way it happens... but this is the way I see it comin at us.  America is resilient.... and the people are not stupid... so it may take a few years for all this to happen... but we can take advantage of opportunities afforded us along the way if we understand more about what is happening as it happens. 

The Prez. in Iowa

October 24, 2012

American Auto Industry Liquidation

The facts about one of the most amazing lies from the President in the Boca Raton debate. He said that Mitt Romney wanted to liquidate the American auto industry by just letting them go bankrupt. Mitt spoke of managed bankruptcy which is nothing like what OWE BOMB wanted you to think.  To view the exchange where this issue was discussed, click on youtube and you can take the slider to 1:19.00.

One thing you should know about the debate that would impress you beyond explanation if you knew this before the debate or even saw it reported in the media after.... but because he wasn't going to make it a big deal out of it... neither was someone who didn't want you to be impressed going to give you that info.... Mitt Romney was sick with a stomach flue or something of that sort.  The only time you would have seen anything to make you wonder would have been after the debate when he was mixing with the audience and his wife was holding on to him to support him because he was so weak.

So, what did Mitt really say?  We find in his op-ed article in the New York Times of November 18, 2008, these words;

"It is not wrong to ask for government help, but the automakers should come up with a win-win proposition. I believe the federal government should invest substantially more in basic research — on new energy sources, fuel-economy technology, materials science and the like — that will ultimately benefit the automotive industry, along with many others. I believe Washington should raise energy research spending to $20 billion a year, from the $4 billion that is spent today. The research could be done at universities, at research labs and even through public-private collaboration. The federal government should also rectify the imbedded tax penalties that favor foreign car makers.

But don’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass — they bet on management and they lost.

The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.

In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check."

It is sad that we can't get any press time with these blatant lies, but I am hoping that some will read this and forward it as a fact check to the miss-information put forth by the press and this president.  This is just one of the lies told in this debate.... but I don't have time to go through them all and lay them out in detail, but this one was easy, and one I have heard other places and other times.

Another one that I havn't looked into but remember well was the idea that our military has changed and our Navy should go the way of the bayonets and horses.  It is easy to see this president knows nothing about the military because  I heard it reported that bayonet training is intensive and one of the first hand to hand combat training sessions. I remember one of the things about the Afghan war was that they had to use horses on the ground because some areas of the country you can't get equipment into. 

So thanks for the reminder Mr. President.... you really are out of your league and have no clue what is going on in this world.

Remember to vote....  so we can send this guy packin...

The Prez. in Iowa

September 13, 2012

Thank You Mitt Romney

Just a simple thank you for being there to stand up for America like our President won't.

For those who don't know what is going on.... the Libya consulate was attached and our Ambassador was killed. Being that the information was being made public via the news media.... our empty shirt and empty chair was absent..... so Mitt put forth a statement about how we do not stand for this kind of thing in this country because one of our founding principles free speech and freedom of religion

This event was reported by the media as a protest over a movie with some disparaging words about a Muslim and the radical nature of some factions within that religion.  Since it all started on 9-11, it is easy to see that the media is using some little insignificant piece of video footage to bring spotlight off of the lack of this current administration to protect and project a iron fist of power.

The first thing that happened as reported by the media... an apology was given to those who were supposedly upset.  It is about time we get someone in the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. who knows how to stand up for our ideals and quit apologizing for our greatness.

To those in the media who are attacking Mitt for making a statement when he did.... how is it that you can report so much and then attack someone for standing up for America using the info you are reporting.... you are reporting it as fact... is it or not?  Maybe you should keep your own mouth shut until the facts are known and the correct statements can be made.... oh.... that is right... they might me different than what you want to report then.  TOO BAD.

Thank you Mitt....

The Prez.

September 8, 2012

Political Code Words

The Democrats have had their say and depicted as usual the Republicans as a bunch of hate filled right wingers who are out to take your money and work you like a slave.

I have heard them accuse Republicans of using racist code words like opportunity and work, so when I heard Bill's speech, I understood where it was coming from. They are very familiar with code words and hidden meanings because they use them constantly in their language.  To most, they are platitudes and meaningless phrases, but they are code words that carry boat loads of meaning.
Though Bill is the Ronald Reagan of the Democrat party and knows how to work the emotions of the crowd, it is all about feelings and what sounds good.  What kind of country do you want to live in?  Bill's words, "do you want a winner take all, your on your own type of society?"  or "do you want a county of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, a we are all in this together society?"  Sounds like a stark contrast... you are on your own, or in this together.  In reality it is so different.  Why?  Because of the code words.

The word, "shared" is code word for socialist, big government.  If you have to share, who determines what is and isn't shared.  What is your fair share?  You may feel your share should be more. It won't be up to you to determine that. It will be determined by a bureaucracy that has you plugged into their formula and what you get to keep is set by someone else.

Shared opportunities?  What does that mean? To many it is being able to create and do things that bring in income.  Being in business for yourself is one opportunity, or just being able to have a job and take home your earnings is a wonderful opportunity.  In some countries the corruption abounds and there is no law that will lift its hand to stop the gangs and bullies who threaten you on your way home after a good days work with pay in your pocket.

It means if you have a profitable business you must share it with others... you can't keep the profits for yourself... you pay your taxes for being productive so those who are not productive in society can have a share of your productivity.  Remember the "spreading the wealth around" comment? OweBomb's words to Joe the plumber in Ohio during his '08 campaign. Shared responsibilities? Your fair share of the responsibility of taking care of others. Sounds loving and compassionate right?

What we need to do is to start using these code words in context with the real meanings to destroy their connection to the socialist leftist agenda. 

In American, the opportunity is the American Dream. Speak of it that way.  Not like OweBomb in his State of the Union address calling it the American Promise.  Think about all the millions trying to get into this country to take advantage of the American Dream.... what an opportunity.  Think about a person who develops an idea into a business. The process of taking an idea into production is a long expensive process causing many to mortgage or sell some of their most prized possessions to make it happen.  Before it gets to production, it needs to be market tested. Will it have a marketable value? Is it user friendly? Is it economically feasible to put into production, transport it, stock it and sell it for a profit?

So, where does the word shared come in?  In the free enterprise system there is a lot of sharing going on. Remember the first thing that happened?  Someone had an idea and put together some money to create and test the product.  Money spent means there was something purchased.  Money was shared with someone, they shared their property.  It was a fair trade, a fair exchange. As the product moves through the channels, money is shared with all it comes in contact with.  Every person who works for the company that supplied a piece of that product or helped in the marketing, transportation of or ringing up the sale of it shares in the profits of that product. The gardener, window cleaner, maintenance man, janitor, secretary, kitchen help, warehouse forklift driver, truck drivers, and every little delivery truck scurrying around the country bringing that product to it's destination of usefulness.  Just think of all the lives that product touches... shares it's profits with along the way. The more products we create, the more people involved in bringing it to you.  We in America appreciate every one of them. Every effort had a reward. It put bread on the table and a roof over the head of a person or a family.  It is the American Dream to own that roof, the car in the driveway and anything else we want to put under that roof.

The American people are some of the most generous charitable people on the face of the earth.  We send billions around the world caring people who do not have the ability to provide for themselves.  We have set up a system with in the United States to take care of those who are not able and we give millions to charities that provide services, research & development to causes yet unprofitable.  All of this is on the backs of the most fortunate of America.  The less fortunate of America have the best conditions and opportunities before them of any country on the face of the earth.  This doesn't mean we as conservatives believe we can't do better.... we know we can, but it isn't by creating a bureaucracy to provide it... it is by offering more opportunities to those who need them and still providing that safety net for those who can't.

 What is the responsibility of the shared responsibility?  In American it is being a productive member of society.  Productivity means giving something for what you get.  There are many that can't give enough to society to receive what it takes to live.  As a conservative republican I understand that. There are  agencies that have been created to take care of those people.  Those people need the benefits they receive. Those benefits however are not earnings, they are benefits.

This is just a brief overview of where this subject can go.... hopefully it can reach the campaign headquarters of the Republican Party so they can incorporate into their language.

The Prez

July 14, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

I can not remember a time when the out right lying has been this bad.... there have been times when a political figure has misrepresented an incident.... but never a time when the political scene has been filled with such blatantly false, total character assassination.

As the supposed most transparent administration, who has been anything but transparent, Liar isn't a strong enough word for what is going on right now.  Taking  a 12 year old news article that has been proven false and baseless, putting it out as news that has been hidden with possible fraudulent intention is in itself despicable.  Accusing someone of hiding this information when it has been available and reported on for 12 years, is simply a side show to distract a national campaign from the real true lack of transparency, leadership and character.  It shows the psychological immaturity of  the people we are dealing with.... the Chicago political machine at it's finest, distracting accusations accusing the opponent of doing the very thing you are doing that you want to cover.

Years from now, when we look back and see all this from the vantage point of history, we will understand all too well the audacity of this administration.  Of course after all is said and done... there will be much rewriting of it all to cover and spin it in the best light.

June 21, 2012

It is all about PERCEPTION

I wrote earlier that there is less gas and fuel being used because there are less miles traveled by personal and business vehicles.  You are driving less miles because of the cost of gas, and transportation companies are putting on less miles because there is less freight to move.  Companies are producing less, shipping less and consuming less.

To some degree it is  difficult to understand why the stock market is still holding so high compared to the feeling that the economy is staled.  Some say jobs are being created, businesses are hiring.  That will be true because there was a lot of cutting done because the profitability issue the last couple of years.  Now that they have tightened their belts and cut the fat from the overhead, they are willing to expand with the savings they have been banking. But the true fact is, there are still fewer jobs today than there were when Owe-Bomb took office.  Inflation is up, unemployment is up and the regulatory burden is up. 

There isn't a lot of new business, some, but not steady.  It seems to go in spurts.  Good for a few months, then slacks off for a month or two. Cars wear out, spring brings out the desire to beautify, maintenance needs to be taken care of.  Factory equipment breaks down, technology changes, bringing the need for updating.

So, how long will it last?  .... the perception that all things are good, unemployment going down, stock market going up, interest rates low, is created by the government by doing the one thing they can do... keep interest rates low.  As long as there is the perception, they have a chance.  It is when that perception starts eroding that things will fall apart.  This is keeping our dollar weak.  Who wants to invest in low interest bearing CDs?  Money flows where interest rates give a decent return.  That is not here.

If business was good and the demand for gas was up, that would mean the price of gas would go up. For example, gas prices went up this last weekend as much as 20cents in some places... then two days later this report shows up. That is built on perception. But says, The recent gloomy forecast is putting pressure on the price of oil, which has fallen by nearly $32 a barrel, or 29 percent, since its high of $109.77 on February 24.  We aren't seeing that at the pump in most places.  Where did these gloomy numbers come from?  Unemployment, housing starts, inventory reports, new orders all are being spun as showing improvement, but most are revised toward reality in the next report.  Remember... it is all about perception.
US commercial crude oil inventories increased by 2.9 million barrels in the week ending 15 June.

Both finished gasoline inventories and blending components inventories increased last week.

Propane/propylene inventories increased by 1.3 million barrels last week and are above the upper limit of the average range.

Total commercial petroleum inventories increased by 11.1 million barrels last week.

You know the suppliers are having a hard time because of lack of volume. So their answer is to charge more money.... so we do the only thing we can do faced with real world problems... we quite using it as much as possible.  Why do we have to put up with such?  Maybe we are not being heard.  How much louder do we have to say it.... we are hurting and are tired of the shafting!

Are we going to wake up and demand that this administration actually do something other than destroy our economy via spending, regulating and lying?

From Iowa
The President

June 4, 2012

Make Believe World

Thinking of the presidential race gives one pause.  Is there anything real in this world? 

Is it worth contemplation?  Is there anything that is worth considering? Or is it all just a make believe wold of make believe issues rolling around a make believe media world? 

It is almost like anything you read in the newspaper, hear on the radio or see on the TV,  you know it is not only not true, but it is fabricated to fit the moment and mostly to distract from the real issue that we may or may not ever see or know about.

From Iowa

April 3, 2012

Helpers or Stealers?

A question for the thinkers among the citizens of the greatest nation on God's green earth.... 

We spend money on the poor and provide freedom for  the oppressed, but in the academic and  political  worlds we are hated for the protection and despised for the giving?  We are accused of stealing the resources of their nations... intellectual and national assets, which we paid for, raising the standard of living for the citizens of that country.

Are we the helpers we think we are?  Or the stealers they say we are?

March 7, 2012

The Oil Price Agenda

 No one cares about the price of oil....

Well... that comment may be a little broad sweeping... at least the ones in positions that can have an effect on it don't care.

Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu, delivered very revealing and stunning remarks in testimony before Congress March 1st.. When Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) asked Chu whether it’s his “overall goal to get our price” of gasoline lower, Chu replied, “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy.”

The OWE BOMB made similar remarks in New Hampshire saying, “We are going to be hearing a lot about how people have these magic three point plans to make sure you’re only paying 2 dollar gasoline … You know the plans I’m talking about: Step one is drill, step two is drill, and step three is keep drilling.”

OWE BOMB  told a crowd at Nashua Community College after touring the school's automotive lab,  "There is no quick fix to high gas prices and the nation cannot drill its way out of the problem.  The president claimed oil production is at its highest in eight years, that increasing oil production takes too long, and that oil is not enough."  As for the president’s push for alternative energy, those sources simply cannot stand the test of the market.  How long will it take for reasonable quantities of energy to be produced using algae? 

This is the same reason Bill Clinton used for not going to ANWAR drilling and adding something like 80 miles of pipeline to the current line to bring it to the lower 48. Bill said it would take 10 years to accomplish.  So, here we are 10 years later and we still haven't started because it would take too long.  Too Long is not an excuse, not even a reason, it is a cover up and cop out because they are afraid of saying what the real reason is... they don't want to, period.  Industry experts say it could be accomplished in 3 to 5. The last pipeline was accomplished in 3. 

So where does that leave you and me?

Paying the bill.

The economy falling apart, slowing down and stagnating in the basement.  What we are seeing going into March of 2012 is this very thing.  The OWE BOMB and his cover up media are giving us all the positive spin they can.  Touting things that have no meaning as evidence of a growing economy and not showing things like the durable goods orders dropping the largest drop in three years.  In how long?  Three years ago we were falling into a recession. Does that mean we are doing the same thing?  Of course there are other indicators we are ignoring... Actual consumption of diesel fuel since the trucks are not running... Here is a report put out by the American Petroleum Industry...

WASHINGTON, January 20, 2012 – Total petroleum deliveries (a measure of demand) fell 1.2 percent to an average of 18.9 million barrels a day in 2011 compared with 2010. Except for 2008, this was the largest drop in annual domestic deliveries over the past decade. December 2011 petroleum deliveries were down 5.9 percent from December 2010, declining to an average of 18.6 million barrels per day, the lowest level in 15 years. Gasoline deliveries showed declines for 2011 as a whole and for the month of December.

"The weakness in gasoline demand in 2011 reflected the overall weakness in consumer spending," said API chief economist John Felmy. "This carried through the year, with retail sales down in December and gasoline demand slipping more than four percent for the month."

Despite the decline in demand for refined products, supplies remained ample, with gasoline production for the year averaging a record high of 9.1 million barrels per day, up 0.5 percent over 2010. Distillate production at 4.5 million barrels per day was up 6.1 percent for the year. Refinery inputs fell by 1.5 percent in 2011 compared with 2010.

Total petroleum imports dropped 5.6 percent in 2011 from the year before. Although up slightly in December, crude oil imports for the year fell by 3.4 percent.Refined product imports decreased 14 percent for the year and were down more than 33 percent for December.

Total petroleum exports (almost all of which were product exports) were up 25.5 percent in 2011 compared with 2010.

Crude oil production rose 2.5 percent in 2011 to an average of 5.6 million barrels per day. In December, crude oil production rose by 0.5 percent to an eight-year high for the month. The total number of oil and gas rigs stayed above 2,000 for the month, according to the latest Baker-Hughes Inc. report, and averaged 1,875 for the year, a three-year high.

Crude oil stocks ended the year slightly up from 2010 and were at a 17-year high for December.Motor gasoline stocks were up in December 2011 from the prior month. Distillate stocks fell to a five-year low for December.

API represents more than 490 oil and natural gas companies, leaders of a technology-driven industry that supplies most of America's energy, supports 9.2 million U.S. jobs and 7.7 percent of the U.S. economy, delivers more than $86 million a day in revenue to our government, and, since 2000, has invested over $2 trillion in U.S. capital projects to advance all forms of energy, including alternatives.

What happens from here depends on what we let this administration get away with.  Well we let them and their numbers dictate the attitude of the marketplace or will someone call them out on it and make them face the facts before it is too late and we end up with four more years of destruction?

Maybe we all need to be getting on the phone demanding  answers.  

From Iowa

February 26, 2012

Soaring Crude Oil Prices

It is interesting to listen to the media present their ideas of why the oil prices are going up.  So here is my understanding of what is going on.

Think about one of the most heard advertisements over the last 10 years... Gold is going higher. Higher... HIGHER.  Why is gold going higher... Because it is a hedge against inflation.  As the dollar becomes less valuable because the fed has to print money to purchase our debt... (oxymoron),   Gold goes up.  Gold is a commodity, and as the dollar value goes down, the price of commodities goes up.  That is the natural way of the markets.  So... crude oil is a commodity.  It is priced in dollars.  Like gold, corn, soybeans, wheat, beef, pork, orange juice, sugar, lumber and other markets.  All these markets are priced in dollars and traded on the open world market.  Because they are such.... they are open to investors and speculators putting their dollars in as a hedge against inflation.

It is not the investor and speculator participation that drives the price up as much as it is the dollar value.  The investors to some degree create a market place for the price fluctuation as well as making liquidity for moving in and out of the market, but they have a limited ability to push the market very far because of volume.  Volume and open interest shows the traffic of the market, and the number of contracts held open over night.  Contracts can be held for one day or for the life of the contract, but the contract has an expiration date and must be settled on the expiration date. Total open interest in the crude market is at the time of this writing down, not up.

Look at the chart below.  Crude oil prices follow the red and green line. The dollar index prices follow the double gray lines.  Reference to these lines is only to made to identify which prices belong to which market and have no relevance to this discussion otherwise.

What you see in this illustration is the reaction to market forces other than speculation.  If one wants to talk about real causes... it is directly related to the spending and economy created by the Federal Government.  The more money they spend that we don't have, the further these price fluctuations will go.

Put the blame where it is deserved... on congress.... email this link to everyone you can think of that has anything to do with government or you hear blaming the speculators for their involvement in these markets.  It simply isn't their fault.

Iowa White House President...

February 20, 2012

Rights Creating Quality or Equality Creating Fairness

Philosophically, do we want quality of life through freedom, or equality producing fairness?  Fairness to whom?  Who defines rights and fairness?  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need?  What does this mean to you?

Personal freedom has been the banner under which the United States has operated under and prospered for 200 plus years.  What is so amazing and disturbing is that we have a society today that is pushing and dragging us kicking and screaming across the great, vast gulf which separates these two philosophies.  Dennis Prager uses the analysis that the government money machine is like heroin to the drug addict.    We now have a majority of citizens addicted and dependent.

I don't know of another government's constitution that as the United States uses personal freedom as it's foundation.  Every other country uses fairness and equality as a foundation to build their constitution on.  The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is unique. It is a God given right in a country founded by christian people. We still hold that up as a divine right granted by God, a god that an increasing number of people want to banish to the trash bin.

So the argument goes something like this.  It is not fair that someone can make millions of dollars a year running a company or being an entertainer, and someone else such as a teacher or nurse, only makes 40 - 75 thousand dollars.  The teacher & nurse are forming, shaping and saving lives.  Why is their work worth so little when they are so important in their duties.  This argument is so appealing on an emotional level at first glance, but so at the heart of what freedom and dependency is all about. 

Does freedom matter?  Or does one only care about money?  The heroin addict doesn't care about freedom... the next fix is the only thing that matters.  Without the fix, life ceases to have value.  Without the government dole for the leftist liberal, life has no value. The next installment of cash is all that matters.  Does that sound like freedom?

If the entertainer making millions has that opportunity taken away from him... does he have any incentive to compose new bodies of work?  To create great works of art, to perform wonderful shows to thousands paying large sums of money to see them?  Without that opportunity, the incentive is gone, the income stream stops and those depending on it have to do without.  But that is years down the road after this is all set in motion upon people who don't have a clue what is really happening

Do you know why it is important to have wealth creation? One of the famous quotes of  BO in the campaign of 2007 was, "we need to spread the wealth around."  For some, it was a ghastly horrific example of what this man wanted to do.  For others it was a welcome sound of music to their ears.  As we go into the 2012 election, that mantra has changed to, "the rich need to pay their fair share". Wealth creation is the natural way of spreading it around.  There are few self made millionaires,  ones who have acquired millions without the help of others in the process.  Creating wealth requires hiring others to help you along the way.  There first must be the need to drive the expansion of the dream.  Then there needs to be the dedicated passionate building of that business to fulfill the dream.  The putting together the workforce accomplish all the task needed to bring the product or service to completion to meet the demand.  That workforce is usually few at first... but builds as the demand builds.

This is not however the only workforce that expands as the expansion takes place.  As a business grows, their suppliers also have to expand their workforce to meet that increased demand.  The effect of all that increased demand is not seen sometimes because the expansion is not all in one small local. Look at the population growth of cities across the United States.  This increase is evidence that there is a growing business someplace expanding and hiring more workers.  With all those businesses bringing in additional workforce, the infrastructure, housing, food supply chain, transportation, entertainment, and all the peripheral industries that must expand to meet the needs.  Since all this increase is fueled by increase, the increase does not stop with one or two increases... and increase creates the need for another increase and the increase goes on.  Do you see what is happening?  This is called the economic engine.  The fuel is the innovation, creativity and drive of a few people investing their time, capital and efforts into these businesses.  Sometimes businesses take years to grow, but others are created because of a demand that is insatiable by a small business so a business can afford to build fast borrowing money from investors or banks to purchase needs from brick and mortar to supplies for production or services.  Those investment dollars receive dividends based on profitability of the business and insure the availability of a future supply of cash for future development of new business and growth of existing businesses.

So after that long winded dissertation... it is those dollars of profitability that are so important.  As those dollars come in to the system, they are looking for new places to go.  In the fairness model, those dollars are taken from the system, and put into the hands of those who are deemed treated unfairly.  They are not going to return them into the investment pool.  They are just going to spend them.  In the fairness and equality model, the government is the one who has to continually infuse the system with these abundance dollars.  Those dollars going in have strings attached according to the agenda of the political forces at the time.  Agenda's that do not always carry fairness in its true form... but fairness according to POWER at the moment. 

In the freedom model, there is no power agenda; it is about a return on the dollar.  If I invest, I want a return.  There is nothing immoral about that.  It is how growth is fueled.  A person with a passion, a vision, a skill, is willing to give of him or herself to others via a product or service to better the life of all.  What is immoral about that?  In the process there is money spread around in so many ways that it is beyond the wildest dream any government official could ever imagine. All without the control of how it is spent and guarantee that there will be more. 

The argument that the government is a better judge of how we should spend our money and the freedoms we have is easily debunked by looking back at how this country was founded... founded because a government was doing just that. 

Dennis Prager ask the question the other day… and it needs to be understood and discussed by everyone… “Who do you fear more?  Big Government or Big Corporations?

Dennis implored us to consider this in thinking about it… who has the power to come knocking on your door and break it down to arrest you and throw you in jail?  Who has the power to take your guns away from you? 

From Iowa
The Prez. 

February 15, 2012


What is it with the media trying to make an issue out of contraception?

Since when does any republican, liberal or conservative, want to limit availability of contraception?

They don't!

No republican has ever and has no reason to want to.... for it to be said by anyone otherwise is so false and disgustingly misleading, and truly an outright lie.  But to the administrations credit they so far have not actually said those words... they just want to put the perception out there.  Like in health care they talked in a way that led those not keeping up with the debate, who only listened to the major news networks who didn't tell all the story... just the sound bites they wanted to spin with, thought it was a freebie.  So they voted him into office.

So now they have come up with this contraception issue... where did this come from.  Dick Morris hit the nail on the head saying they were re-framing the issue from abortion to contraception.  Forcing everyone to provide it via health care is just another way of making sure the abortions are covered.  You may not want your dollars going to a company providing those services but that doesn't matter.  You must do it any way... My blood pressure is mounting and I can't speak anymore just thinking about how this administration is taking our freedom away.

Framing the issue to make the conservatives look like we are not wanting to provide services because we don't want to be forced to pay for them, makes people think we are the ones supporting the DEATH PANELS.  In reality it is the leftest liberals who are wanting to add a new layer of bureaucracy to the health care industry and to make sure you are #1 paying your fair share and #2 worth spending money on to begin with.

Take for instance the issue with school lunches.  Not only are schools mandated that their lunches contain certain amounts of specific food groups, you as a parent also must provide that quality or you will be charged for it.  The USDA will send an agent to inspect your lunch bag and determine if it meets the standard... don't believe that?  Here is an article where it is already happening.  School Lunch Bags

So why does this matter?  I think about people who have talked about being afraid of... purchasing using loyalty programs   because the government may soon require retailers give up your purchases to track if you are eating properly.... then if they deem you not sufficiently responsible for your health... they can deny you health care based on that, even though you have been paying into it... and then fine you and maybe even stick you in jail if you don't pay.  They say if all companies sales are online... your charge cards can be tracked... invoices followed, and total life style judged reprehensible.  Just think of the savings there will be... lots of people who are not draining the system of dollars because they are deemed unqualified & will soon die.  Does this sound like taking away your health care choices... no... they are providing it... charging for it... just not handing it out because your not worthy.  Who is wanting to do this... THE DEMOCRATS... NOT REPUBLICANS.  Think not?  Does Death Panels sound like compassion to you?

 What is the so called "Wall Street movement" all about?  It is laying the groundwork for a rebellious uprising against the capitalist system.  What are they offering?  In the scruffy multi-millionaire Michael Moore's words... "there isn't anything... we will have to invent it."  It is already there... they just know they can't use the word yet... SOCIALISM.  It isn't about corporate greed at all.  It is about nationalizing every company because the government is more capable of providing compassionate service and products at a reasonable price. 

Want to read more... I have an article coming up about spreading the wealth around... econ 101... stay tuned.

A more compassionate understanding President than the one on Pennsylvania Avenue.

February 4, 2012

Unemployment Numbers

According to the Department of Labor, employers added almost a quarter of a million jobs in January.

The number of jobs not available to be filled exploded by an unprecedented, record number of 1.2 million.  That’s not a typo.

So... let me get this straight... we have a 250 mil new employees, but with the decrease of the number of openings to fill.... how can you have an increase of a quarter mil... oh, I see... they were different jobs than the ones eliminated.  How about all those poor folks out of work... the ones who have been out of work for more than 99 weeks.  When we look at the complete picture you will find that the real unemployment number is more like 11%. 

Just a dose of reality.  Someone will get the picture when the bill comes due.


February 1, 2012

Racism from the media... Chuck Todd & Jonathan Martin

The left are accusing the right of using racist code words... like food stamp president, entitlement society, work ethic, founding fathers, constitution and American values...  but then they come along with this and totally over look it.

"I think the reason why north Florida is going to be fascinating to watch tonight is because it's going to give us a sense of what's ahead in March, when this primary does move to the deep south states. As you know, Chuck, a lot of those counties in the Panhandle, in north Florida, the "cracker counties" more resemble Georgia and Alabama than they do Florida. So, it's going to be interesting to see if Romney can really show some signs of strength in and around places like Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahassee and Jacksonville." said Jonathon Martin with Politico to Chuck Todd on the Daily Rundown.

So... you southern folks now know how you are viewed.  It is ok if they want to label you a bunch of crackers  defined in the Oxford English dictionary as: "A contemptuous name given in southern States of North America to the poor whites", but for the conservative to talk about helping those people via anything but demeaning hand outs, is racist.

 I hear no outrage because of this.. and the silence is deafening...

January 30, 2012

State of The Union

So you didn't hear my speach.... ;)  to bad... I won't repeat it here.

If I really was the president on Pennsylvania Avenue.... I wouldn't have the guts to call that a State of the Union address... but would certainly consider it a propaganda campaign speech.  It has been a couple of days so I can sit here and write rationally without getting up and wanting to yell and scream at him leaving me spitting and sputtering because words I shouldn't be speaking are wanting to escape from between my lips. 

If you did listen to it... I bet you were surprised to hear that the State of the Union is as well as it is.  Whether it is or not I don't know... those are just a bunch of numbers that were given.  They hardly fit what I see as reality around me.  Just think about this.  We were told as this man campaigned how bad the economy was.  4.8% unemployment and a stable but shaky housing market.  The banks weren't lending money fast enough or for the right things... businesses couldn't produce because they couldn't get the money to pay the payroll, buy the supplies.... on and on and on. 

So what I am wondering is, now that we have an effective unemployment rate of over 16%, counting everyone... a housing market that is basically busted...a banking system that lives in fear and over regulation, gets slapped in the face on the front page of the paper, forced to give money to people who couldn't pay... set up as greedy sharks and heartless villains, then  handed millions in the back door.  Car companies taken over by the government because the unions couldn't meet the healthcare and retirement draw down, then basically given to the unions who bankrupted them to begin with... gasoline doubling since he took office... and a government who is throwing millions and billions around like candy to all their friends and supporters in the green energy sector... How can we be doing so wonderful?

Oh, I see... it depends on who is in power.  They are doing wonderful, now that they are in power and their friends are happy.  Before it was horrible because no one would just hand them the millions they wanted... they had to work for it.

OK... Okaaayyy... so the speech was a political fund raiser... so why am I so upset?  Well, it was the president who was speaking and the speech was to be about how we as a nation are doing.  This is what I heard.

America is not fair.  The defining issue of our time is to keep alive the American Promise.  The basic American promise is that if you work hard, you can do well enough to raise a family, own a home, send your kids to college, and put a LITTLE away for retirement.  Wait... the American Dream became the American Promise.... since when... nothing is promised from any where in any way!  This is another reforming of America.  Not promoting the best... but a complete change.  Not a revitalization of the basics of our rights as granted by our creator... but a complete change of who is providing the rights. Rules based on what is fair... fair in who's eyes? American Values... not Democrat values nor Republican values.... but who's values?

Well... there is so much more that BO presented for us to consider... programs to organize and organizations to shape to help those who  are struggling.  These programs and organizations are going to spend money.... who's money?  The government has none.  It is your money... my money.  I don't understand what it is about the leftist that find so much joy in spending someone else's money... but then that would be human nature.  We all would love to do with other's money what we can't afford to do with our own. 

Which brings us to the real State of the Union and what he really should be talking about. Lets see... oh there wasn't a State of the Union address... it was a campaign speech... so off to spread the wealth around... yours & mine that is, to his friends... you don't deserve it... you have to much.

January 11, 2012

Presidential Candidates

We have seen candidates skyrocket to the top of the polls and then fall off the cliff.  What is going on.  It seems the one that keeps getting knocked out of the top position has friends in dark boiler rooms manufacturing attack adds on the newest leader and money pouring into focus groups to find the weakest point at which to hit.  It may seem a little sadistic at first to see our political players slicing and dicing each other in front of people we figure will take the dirtiest of attacks and replay them when it comes to the final race. But if the candidate achieves the leadership, wins the nomination, it will be because he has overcome the attacks and learned how to spin the negatives in a positive way. That will be a good thing.

As I see it here, Mitt Romney has achieved a monumental hurdle. Having won the first two state challenges, can he keep that ball rolling?  We will see.

My take on Mitt's record.  He is a business person, who has been successful in many ways in many industries. He has been successful in handling the business of a state government.  He may have done some things that we don't care for... being that BO has taken the form of one of his successes and bastardized it into something totally communistic. For example: the health care initiative Mitt put together provided funds to help those who couldn't afford to purchase health care. Yes it said they must buy health care, but that is what everyone wanted.  Ok.  So a state tried it and we see now what will happen with the nationalization of this plan by looking at the trouble that state is having.  Most people thought by opening the state up to all companies and creating an environment of competition, it would keep the cost down.  It didn't because of the  stipulation there could be no exemptions for prior conditions.  So.... Mitt should just own up to the fact that it didn't turn out as they had hoped... and because he tried it and knows it won't work... the president should have been willing to relinquish his dream of making it a national mandate. But, NO, he went ahead and put forth a plan to do something that would be a failure before it even got put on paper and sell it as something good even though it stank like a pile of you know what.

Mitt is also has put together a following of political machines though he can not direct them... they are his supporters and will annihilate anyone who gets in his way.  That is a good thing.  We want someone who can take out OWE-BOMB-a in a big way. *He said the other day that he actually liked being able to fire someone.  It was in the context of a company offering a service... (insurance I think), isn't that what we need in Washington?  Someone to do some house cleaning?  Someone willing to get rid of the excess baggage and wasteful overhead?  No wonder it  is making everyone within the gov. paranoid of him. Just think what would happen if the government were run like an efficient business, no production, no pay.  A progressive talk show host was saying the other day that the OWE-BOMB has only increased the size of the government by 13.  He must have meant the Czars.  The figure I heard from a little more reliable source was something like 250,000.  Remember... we just added another agency to the list of regulatory enforcers.  In reality... we may never know exactly how many are there and what they are paid because we have no budget put forth by the White House as a guideline to understand their direction and desires.    

On to another successful candidate.  Rick Santorum...  He has a political style like none other.  He is a ground man.  Getting out there and talking, meeting, eating with, pressing the flesh with everyone.  I like his record.  He has been consistent in his dealings with the political machine and getting things done. He knows how to put the pressure on and hold it wearing down the opposition. However, I don't feel he would be able to expand this style of campaign into a successful national race and win.  So far he has made some good progress and produced some surprises.  Lets see if he can continue and build on that.

Mr. Newt has been in Washington for many years and has been successful in many things while there.  As Speaker he accomplished the balancing of the budget, usually that credit goes to Mr. Clinton, but all budgets come from the House.  Also he accomplished the movement to gain control of the house after 40 years being controlled by the Democrats.  In my mind that accomplishment may eclipse most of his other accomplishments. I don't have a list of them all... but in the debates they have come out different ways and I usually end up standing in awe of them.  Just a couple of the things his detractors bring to the table that I always bring up when someone starts talking about how much baggage this man has... his divorce from his wife on her deathbed.  Well... it could hardly have been her deathbed if she is still living. Also the real story is that she ask him for the divorce.  Ok, so then they bring up the distrusting someone who has had an affair.  Well... to some that matters a lot... but I am sorry, how does that change his accomplishments in his political career.  Sometimes our private life isn't always like we would like it to be.  When that happens in business... people move on and change jobs.  It isn't such a big deal.  So to me it just is what it is.  I will look at what qualifies the man for the job he is looking at doing and the rest is as it is.

*As I have watched and listened to this attack Newt has perpetrated on capitalism... I am starting to realize there is a larger issue here that isn't being though of. Newt is parroting the leftist talking points and that is a problem.  To use an invalid mindset and talking points based on an invalid assumption that it is bad to lay a person off or fire a person, is a reaction based on desperation not on intellectually sound principles.  If this is all he can come up with to differentiate himself from Mitt, then he has a very shallow minded approach to his primary campaign which is a reflection on his ability to stand before the OWE - BOMB and beat his scathing hatred of America.  I am simply disappointed with his ability to keep this process a positive spotlight on the principle based vision the founders had for this country.   So we go to the South Carolina debate... and Newt has his best performance yet.  My opinion changed more from his last few minutes of the debate than from the standing ovation he got with his denouncing the racist attack and child labor accusation from his endorsement of letting the children work.

Rick Perry is also very successful. Ok, some say he was handed success and he didn't do anything for it.  Well, he hasn't messed it up. He has learned what works by watching it. Look at the White House.  That man has taken success and dissolved it and created the largest mess in the history of the world, bar none.  Rick oversees the largest government and economy besides California.  California and Texas have the same problems with the boarder and Texas is handling the problem much better than CA.  Texas doesn't have an Income Tax.  Can you believe that?  Their legislatures only come into the capital to do business once every other year. They go into session for 140 days to lay out and approve a budget for two years.  These people understand what it means to keep things simple.  Rick inspires them to keep it that way... balanced budget is mandated in TX so they have no choice but to take care of business... cutting when the money isn't there.  Wouldn't you like to have a man in the White House that knows how to keep the budget balanced?  Kick the legislatures out of town and tell them to get a real job?  He might not get the job done right away... but I think he would keep the possibility out there in front of everyone till they warmed up to it and decided to make some serious changes. 

Another man that knows an understands simplicity in government is Ron Paul.  He also comes from Texas.  Ron has a lot of good ideas.  He understands the roll of the Federal Government and the difference between what the states are suppose to do and what the federal responsibilities are.  This difference needs to be more clear in everyone's mind. There is a significant difference.  However; Ron Paul has a world view that isn't really possible. It is more than a view that says we are in a couple of wars that should not be... he thinks we brought 9-11 on ourselves by being spread around the world.  Well I guess that is one way to look at it.  There are countries out there that want us dead. Their philosophy is that we are evil and their god has instructed them to purify the earth.  They can't mingle or interact with us, they have to kill us.  Yes these people are radicals and not all people within the countries where these people reside hold that belief.  But they are there and they will rise up every chance they get and they will kill us.  That will happen around the world, not just here in the United States.  We, as the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world, have a responsibility to governments who don't have the ability to protect themselves from this kind of advance, to keep them safe by having a presence in their country or close to it.  We have forces strategically placed for maximum coverage and protection for all who need it.  Without those forces where they are,  the world would deteriorate into chaos and it would effect our economy in a devastating way. *This man must really hate America almost as much as the OWE-BOMB to be so vocal about his hatred of what the military does around the world. 

Most of Ron's support is from the young  and the old hippie crowd who want drugs legalized, and could care less about the rest of the world. They really are many, can and do band together in a heart beat to provide a lot of verbal support but I am not sure how much financial support there is available for him. That being said, there is a huge wealthy crowd that would love to enjoy things not available legally so they indulge illegally.  That could provide a base of support beyond our wildest dreams if they actually thought he had a chance. 

Just some of my thoughts on what we have currently.  Things will change and I have other things that don't come to mind at this time... so will continue to add them as they are remembered.

The President

*edit added 1.15.12
*edit added 1.18.12

January 9, 2012

Presidential Election Ramblings

One of the reasons for this blog is to vent my frustration with the political shenanigans perpetrated upon the unaware American public.

Having been involved in businesses, the President of a white house in Iowa, I have a little experience in failure and some success.  One of the biggest problems with the current economic situation is that we are spending double and triple what we should be spending for things we don't need.

It is hard to go through the candidates for the 2012 election and list what we know and can verify via easy to reach reliable sources, because as of 2008 the lame stream news sources lost credibility.   Very little real news is reported by these organizations.  So much is fabricated by sources used by these organizations as sources of fact.  Where are the real reporters out there getting real unbiased news on what is really going on? It looks like they have all sold out to the highest bidder... CORRUPTION.  

Where do we go from here?  We have to band together and pick a candidate that can inspire us to stand for the right and work for smaller government, (less intrusion on our choices), and focus on serving who elected them and protecting our boarders.

Serving the citizens does not mean funneling money to their pockets, nor installing regulations to protect their business interest from failure.  Regulation to protect business interest is the largest demand on Washington today.  Lobbyist spend fortunes contributing to campaign funds of every sort giving unfair advantage to those who sent them to Washington. How do we get back the the true capitalism? The true meaning of capitalism has been destroyed by the leftist who want to control every aspect of your life.

Protecting our boarders means sealing them.  This is hard to do since we are a nation spread across vast empty lands.  But we have technology that can help us with this task... we just have to have the desire to do it.  It is hard for a free society to put limits on those who want freedom... but we have to protect what we have from those who want to destroy it or we will loose it.

I started this post to discuss the candidates... but as you can see it got on a different tangent and I will have to try again on the next post....

God Bless the USA...