February 20, 2012

Rights Creating Quality or Equality Creating Fairness

Philosophically, do we want quality of life through freedom, or equality producing fairness?  Fairness to whom?  Who defines rights and fairness?  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need?  What does this mean to you?

Personal freedom has been the banner under which the United States has operated under and prospered for 200 plus years.  What is so amazing and disturbing is that we have a society today that is pushing and dragging us kicking and screaming across the great, vast gulf which separates these two philosophies.  Dennis Prager uses the analysis that the government money machine is like heroin to the drug addict.    We now have a majority of citizens addicted and dependent.

I don't know of another government's constitution that as the United States uses personal freedom as it's foundation.  Every other country uses fairness and equality as a foundation to build their constitution on.  The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is unique. It is a God given right in a country founded by christian people. We still hold that up as a divine right granted by God, a god that an increasing number of people want to banish to the trash bin.

So the argument goes something like this.  It is not fair that someone can make millions of dollars a year running a company or being an entertainer, and someone else such as a teacher or nurse, only makes 40 - 75 thousand dollars.  The teacher & nurse are forming, shaping and saving lives.  Why is their work worth so little when they are so important in their duties.  This argument is so appealing on an emotional level at first glance, but so at the heart of what freedom and dependency is all about. 

Does freedom matter?  Or does one only care about money?  The heroin addict doesn't care about freedom... the next fix is the only thing that matters.  Without the fix, life ceases to have value.  Without the government dole for the leftist liberal, life has no value. The next installment of cash is all that matters.  Does that sound like freedom?

If the entertainer making millions has that opportunity taken away from him... does he have any incentive to compose new bodies of work?  To create great works of art, to perform wonderful shows to thousands paying large sums of money to see them?  Without that opportunity, the incentive is gone, the income stream stops and those depending on it have to do without.  But that is years down the road after this is all set in motion upon people who don't have a clue what is really happening

Do you know why it is important to have wealth creation? One of the famous quotes of  BO in the campaign of 2007 was, "we need to spread the wealth around."  For some, it was a ghastly horrific example of what this man wanted to do.  For others it was a welcome sound of music to their ears.  As we go into the 2012 election, that mantra has changed to, "the rich need to pay their fair share". Wealth creation is the natural way of spreading it around.  There are few self made millionaires,  ones who have acquired millions without the help of others in the process.  Creating wealth requires hiring others to help you along the way.  There first must be the need to drive the expansion of the dream.  Then there needs to be the dedicated passionate building of that business to fulfill the dream.  The putting together the workforce accomplish all the task needed to bring the product or service to completion to meet the demand.  That workforce is usually few at first... but builds as the demand builds.

This is not however the only workforce that expands as the expansion takes place.  As a business grows, their suppliers also have to expand their workforce to meet that increased demand.  The effect of all that increased demand is not seen sometimes because the expansion is not all in one small local. Look at the population growth of cities across the United States.  This increase is evidence that there is a growing business someplace expanding and hiring more workers.  With all those businesses bringing in additional workforce, the infrastructure, housing, food supply chain, transportation, entertainment, and all the peripheral industries that must expand to meet the needs.  Since all this increase is fueled by increase, the increase does not stop with one or two increases... and increase creates the need for another increase and the increase goes on.  Do you see what is happening?  This is called the economic engine.  The fuel is the innovation, creativity and drive of a few people investing their time, capital and efforts into these businesses.  Sometimes businesses take years to grow, but others are created because of a demand that is insatiable by a small business so a business can afford to build fast borrowing money from investors or banks to purchase needs from brick and mortar to supplies for production or services.  Those investment dollars receive dividends based on profitability of the business and insure the availability of a future supply of cash for future development of new business and growth of existing businesses.

So after that long winded dissertation... it is those dollars of profitability that are so important.  As those dollars come in to the system, they are looking for new places to go.  In the fairness model, those dollars are taken from the system, and put into the hands of those who are deemed treated unfairly.  They are not going to return them into the investment pool.  They are just going to spend them.  In the fairness and equality model, the government is the one who has to continually infuse the system with these abundance dollars.  Those dollars going in have strings attached according to the agenda of the political forces at the time.  Agenda's that do not always carry fairness in its true form... but fairness according to POWER at the moment. 

In the freedom model, there is no power agenda; it is about a return on the dollar.  If I invest, I want a return.  There is nothing immoral about that.  It is how growth is fueled.  A person with a passion, a vision, a skill, is willing to give of him or herself to others via a product or service to better the life of all.  What is immoral about that?  In the process there is money spread around in so many ways that it is beyond the wildest dream any government official could ever imagine. All without the control of how it is spent and guarantee that there will be more. 

The argument that the government is a better judge of how we should spend our money and the freedoms we have is easily debunked by looking back at how this country was founded... founded because a government was doing just that. 

Dennis Prager ask the question the other day… and it needs to be understood and discussed by everyone… “Who do you fear more?  Big Government or Big Corporations?

Dennis implored us to consider this in thinking about it… who has the power to come knocking on your door and break it down to arrest you and throw you in jail?  Who has the power to take your guns away from you? 

From Iowa
The Prez. 

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